Skilled Instructors

Training with experienced instructors and industrial working faculty.

High-tech Labs

Modern and High-tech computer Labs with high-speed internet.

Project-based learning

We provide project-based learning and train with professionals.

Updeted Tech-Notes

Updated learning notes with guidance from professionals.

About Us

Welcome to IDMST

Welcome to IDMST, where innovation meets excellence.Our institute is dedicated to providing top-tier education and training in Industry. Our mission is to empower students with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to excel in their careers and contribute positively to society.

At IDMST, we offer a diverse range of programs designed to meet the evolving demands of the industry. Our experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and ensure that our students receive a comprehensive and practical education.

Skilled Instructors

Project-based Learnuing

Course-Completion Certification

Real Time Internship


Courses Categories


Popular Courses

Python and Django Duration : 3 Month
  1. Learn from Beginning to Advance.
  2. Learn backend with Django.
  3. Many libraries and packages.
Java Core and Advance Duration: 3-5 months
  1. Learn core java from beginning.
  2. create gui software using java.
  3. learn advance java to create server applications.
Java Script
java script Duration: 3 Months
  1. Learn Java Script with HTML5 & CSS3.
  2. create interactive design with Jquery + Ajax.
C & C++
C & C++ Duration: 2 month
  1. learn basic concept of programming.
  2. Learn Object-Oriented programming concept.
Graphic Designing
UI/UX Graphic Design Duration: 3 months
  1. Understand core concept of UI/UX Design.
  2. learn template creation with tools like photoshop, Coral Draw and many more.
Database (SQL / NoSQL) Duration: 1.5 Months
  1. Understandcore conceptof data and databse.
  2. Create complex database with SQL or NoSQL(MongoDB) servers.
Full-stack Development
Fullstack Development Duration: 4-6+ months
  1. learn frontend (HTML+CSS+JS) with ReactJS and AngularJS.
  2. learn backend on NodeJS and ExpressJS with databases(SQL,MongoDB).
  3. start your tech journey with MERM snd MEAN stack Development.
Data Analysis
Data Analysis Duration: 4-6+ months
  1. with learning advance Excel, and Data in Power BI and Tableau.
  2. understand stats and probability concept with python and r languages.
  3. understand data and its complexity with SQL Database.
Cyber Security
Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking Duration: 3-6+ months
  1. Start Cyber security by exploring Hardware and Networking(CCNA).
  2. understand core concept of cyber security and Pentesting.
  3. learn many technologies, tools and Operating systems.
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